Now Take A Deep Breath

Claire Walsh: Competitive Freediver, Breathwork Practitioner & Voice Coach


Timewise Systems is delighted to partner with Irish athlete Claire Walsh, competitive freediver and 8-time national record holder.

Like us, Claire is at her best in places where time and timing is of the essence. In order to go to great depths, she must master all of the body’s resources through breathwork, relaxation and mindful meditation.

Just as we help our customers in the warehouse work smarter and become more timewise by enabling them to pick and pack promptly and accurately, we salute Claire’s high performance in her own highly competitive and demanding environment, and we look forward to marking her latest timekeeping achievements in 2020 and beyond.

Busy minds, racing thoughts and self talk become amplified underwater and manifest in physical tension. Freediving challenges me to turn my focus inwards, achieve a state of softness, relaxation and quiet and only then will your mind allow your body to visit depth.

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