Remote Support

Teamviewer Disclaimer


By downloading Teamviewer software and initiating a remote support session, you automatically agree to the following disclaimer:

  • You will only download Teamviewer software provided via the Timewise Systems website after instruction from Timewise Systems support.
  • You consent to Timewise Systems support taking remote control of your computer using Teamviewer software.
  • To initiate a remote support session, you will share the ID number and password provided by Teamviewer software to Timewise Systems support over the phone.
  • You will not share Teamviewer software ID number or password to anybody outside of Timewise Systems support.
  • You will not share your computer login credentials with any member of Timewise Systems.
  • You will watch the activities of the remote support session.
  • You can terminate the remote support session at any time.
  • You will close Teamviewer software after your remote support session has concluded.

If you do not agree with the above disclaimer, you are not permitted to download Teamviewer software via the Timewise Systems website.

For more details on Teamviewer security please refer to this link.

Once you have agreed with the above disclaimer, you can download Teamviewer software.

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